To those who share the values of our community and aspire to join the Islamic State to actively contribute in its growth and visibility. Our State provides benefits and services to our brothers:
- returning rights and property;
- pumping millions of dollars into services that are important to the Muslims;
- the state of security and stability enjoyed in the areas under the Islamic State’s authority;
- ensuring the availability of food products and commodities in the market, particularly bread;
- the flourishing relationship between the Islamic State and its citizens.

Our brothers are fighting against infidels all around the world.
We are encouraging the youth to join the ranks of the Islamic State.

We make a special call to the scholars, experts in Islamic jurisprudence, and cellers, especially the judges, as well as people with military, administrative, and service expertise, and medical doctors and engineers of all different specializations and fields.

Finally, this new reality presents a challenge that rises above a mere counter-terrorism problem. ISIS no longer exists in small cells that can be neutralized by missile or small groups of commandos. It is now a real, if nascent and unrecognized, state actor — more akin in organization and power to the Taliban of the late 1990s than Al Qaeda.

We intend to actively contribute in the formation of a better society for the future.
Let the world know that we are living today in a new era.
We are you if you’ll join the Project.


The contents of this manifesto are excerpts taken directly from the ISIS official magazines.